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Stone renovation

Low price, professional Beijing marble renovation, marble crystal maintenance preferred Beijing Botao Weiye cleaning service center


Beijing Botao Weiye stone renovation process tools: Stone renovation machine, terrazzo machine, floor washing machine, marble polishing machine




Dust suction machine, 6 sets of diamond discs, red pad, white pad, etc.




Chemicals used: Stone abrasives kp92, stone brighteners, stone protectants


According to the different damage degree of marble, use the retreading machine to polish with different diamond discs, and the stone




Operate according to the line texture until the stone surface is smooth and the color is uniform; Grind and polish with abrasive and cushion until




Penetration and drying; Polish with brightener and cushion until dry, and finally spray protective agent to polish until brightness returns




As before. The maximum brightness of the renovated stone surface can reach more than 120 degrees according to its own material. Natural stone




If the stone is not cured for a long time or is not cured properly, a large area of scratches and stains will appear on the surface, seriously affecting the natural beauty of the stone




If it is replaced again, it will not only cost a lot of money, but also affect the normal work and life.


The stone materials need to be renovated mainly include:


1. In most cases, multiple types of work will be carried out during the construction of decoration works, and a large number of personnel and materials will be moved or loaded




The corrosion of decorative materials will directly damage the paved stone floor, and in serious cases, it will cause a large area of dirt, which cannot be completed




Standards for; Sometimes, because the paving personnel are not skilled, the floor is uneven after the completion of paving. At this time, it is necessary to




Materials shall be renovated.


2. After long-term use, even if the stone is properly maintained, it will lose its original decorative effect due to reasonable wear and tear




; Most of the secondary decoration will replace the old with the new, but the stone flooring generally does not need to be replaced at the same time, only the relatively simple ones need to be selected




Renovation treatment will get a brand-new effect.


Procedures for stone renovation:


1. Cutting and grinding: use heavy-duty stone grinding machinery to cooperate with horizontal cutting tool, reconditioned abrasive or diamond disc




Grind according to the "mesh" of abrasive and grinding plate from coarse to fine through 5-8 procedures to achieve smooth and flat ground and stone




The grain size of the material should be clear.


2. Hole patching and joint sealing: remove the sundries or old fillers in the old joints and cracks, and use special joint filling tools to repair




The filling material is added into the gap. We use advanced filling materials to integrate with the stone after completion.


3. Polishing: after grinding, use special polishing equipment and polishing materials to polish the floor as a whole to make the stone




The material is brighter.


4. Protection: it is to use professional stone protective agent to provide penetrating protection for stones to prevent external substances from


Penetration violation.

5. Surface curing: after the above procedures are completed, the stone has reached the use standard, but the surface is abrasion resistant


However, the strength is still not enough. Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to artificially create a hard protective layer to make the stone stronger and brighter


Contact: 010-61233774 13810669557 15311660668

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contacts:Mr Zhang 010--61233774
Telephone:13810669557(Mobile phone)
Address:58 Caihuying, Fengtai District, Beijing